Odprto državno prvenstvo Slovenije

Ponovno je čas, da se srečamo v Piranskem zalivu in ugotovimo kdo bo državni prvak v razeredu BENETEAU First 18 SE. Da bo naloga toliko težja in s tem tudi naslov toliko več vreden vas pričakujemo v čim večjem številu. Vabljeni!

It’s time again to meet in Piran Bay and find out who will be the national champion in the BENETEAU First 18 SE class. To make the task that much harder and, thus, the title that much more valuable, we expect as many of you as possible. Of course, the regatta is of an OPEN type, and sailors of all nationalities are welcome!

    * Obvezno polje / Required field

    Ime jadrnice / Boat Name *

    Št. na jadru / Sail Number *

    Sponzorji jadrnice / Sponsors of the boat

    SLO Boats only / Datum izdaje dovoljenja JZS

    Krmar / Helmsman *

    Verifikacija JZS / MNA Licence No.

    Klub / Club *

    Naslov / Address *

    Poštna št. / ZIP Code *

    Kraj / City *

    Država / Country *

    Mobilni tel. / Mobile Phone *

    Email *

    Posadka 1 / Crew 1

    Verifikacija JZS / MNA Licence No.

    Klub / Club

    Posadka 2 / Crew 2

    Verifikacija JZS / MNA Licence No.

    Klub / Club

    I agree to be bound by the Racing Rules of Sailing and by all other rules that govern this event. I understand the Organising Authority accepts no responsibility for loss of life or injury, or for the loss of, or damage to, any vessel or equipment. I also declare to take any responsibility upon myself for damages caused to third persons and their things both on the land and on the sea in consequence of my taking part at this Regatta.

    I declare that I have a current certificate of insurance which covers me while racing.

    I agree

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