At the beginning of the year, we announced the Alpe-Adria League, now, at half-time, it is time to look at the results.
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Porta Spring Cup 2024 and the pre-season training
Here, you can register for Porta Spring Cup 2024 and the pre-season training. Registrations online are open until 5th April 2023. Please fill out the entry form below. Immediately after submitting your registration, you will receive an email with payment details and all information about the event! Entry fees are:[…]
Season 2024
After the successful test “Season 0” of ALPE ADRIA F18SE CUP with four races (results here), this year it expanded to seven races in Slovenia, Austria and Germany: Besides that, there will be special scoring for the King of the Lakes Trophy (4 races) and King of the Sea Trophy[…]
Sezona 2021
Pozdravljeni Seascape 18 in First 18 SE – Seascape Edition jadralci! Počasi se bližamo začetku letošnje regatne sezone Seascape 18 & Beneteau First 18 SE – Seascape Edition. Sezona bi se sicer morala začeti že sredi aprila, vendar so se zaradi aktualnih COVID-19 razmer plani spremenili. Porta Cup, prestavljena na[…]
Odprto Državno prvenstvo Slovenije
Z naznanitvijo konca epidemije z veseljem sporočamo, da smo uspeli na koledarju obrdžati Odprto Državno prvenstvo Slovenije našega razreda Seascape/First 18. Seveda bo regata izvedena z nekaterimi prilagoditvami in omejitvami, da ne povzročimo kakšnega novega vala poleg tistih na morju. Točna navodila in program bomo objavili v tednu pred regato.[…]
Porta Cup 2019
Video by: Seascape Photos by: Simon Pelko
GO Skiing-GO Sailing [CANCELED]
Pozdrav vsem se enkrat, žal moramo sporočiti, da smo se skupaj z organizatorji smučarskega dela “GO Skiing – GO Sailing” v skladu z vremensko napovedjo in snežnimi razmerami odločili, da letošnjo izvedbo veleslaloma ODPOVEMO oz.prestavimo na prihodnje leto. Hvala za razumevanje. Na razpolago smo za morebitna vprašanja. Z lepimi pozdravi,[…]
Monocup Season 2019 & Porta Cup
Hello dear sailors! The 2019 season is approaching fast and as you probably already know we have the calendar set with plenty of great events. You can find the full list with the registration forms here or you can download the pdf here: Slovenian Seascape 18 Class – 2019 Calendar […]
Ceremony photos
The people of the wind
When we started to plant the first European championship with Seascape18s, we had our doubts of how will this go. We could only hope it would be something we had these last five days. The organisation worked like clockwork due to all the energy and thought Katarina, Mitja and everyone else put[…]