Ponovno je čas, da se srečamo v Piranskem zalivu in ugotovimo kdo bo državni prvak v razeredu BENETEAU First 18 SE. Da bo naloga toliko težja in s tem tudi naslov toliko več vreden vas pričakujemo v čim večjem številu. Vabljeni! It’s time again to meet in Piran Bay and[…]
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Porta september cup
Prijave na prihajajočo regato, 28 – 29. september 2024
Dejan Presen and Denes Szilagyi are new Slovenian Champions
21 Beneteau First 18 SE / Seascape 18 crews took part on August 26. and 27. in Slovenian Open Championship in Portorož. As usual, the Bay of Piran proved to be a very demanding race field. Short waves, gusts, wind shifts and very hot weather gave really some hard time[…]
Dejan Presen in Denes Szilagyi nova državna prvaka
English Kar 21 jarnic razreda Beneteau First 18 SE / Seascape 18 se je 26. in 27. avgusta udeležilo odprtega prvenstva Slovenije v Portorožu. Kot običajno je Piranski zaliv postregel z zahtevnimi pogoji. Kratek val, sunki, stalne spremembe smeri vetra in vročina so vidno namučili posadke iz Slovenije, Avstrije, Srbije[…]
For the late summer two First 18 SE / Seascape 18 races are taking place in Slovenia. They bothcount as a part of Alpe Adria F18SE Cup (more on Alpe Adria Cup – NoS, rankings).
SPRING PORTA CUP – Portorož, Slovenia
A great kick-off into 2023! Traditionally the season for BENETEAU First 18 SEs & Seascape18s starts in the Adriatic Sea. In Marina Portorož, the Spring Porta Cup organisers managed to gather a competitive fleet of 18 teams from Austria, Germany, Scotland, Serbia and Slovenia.Although weather forecasts didn’t look very promising,[…]
Monocup is now Alpe Adria F18SE Cup
For a number of years, BENETEAU First 18 SE & Seascape18 racing season was comprised of a series of up to six regattas. After each season, we would get overall results based on combined rankings. All of this started with a fleet of one design enthusiasts sailing classes Justinten and[…]
Monocup je sedaj Alpe Adria F18SE Cup
English Kar nekaj let smo regate razreda BENETEAU First 18 SE & Seascape18 združili v serijo petih ali šestih regat in dobili tudi letne rezultate. Vse se je začelo z regatnimi vikendi za monotipne jadrnice Justinten in takrat še Seascape18, zato tudi ime Monocup. Z razpadom razreda JustinTen, se je[…]
Start of the 2023 Racing Season
At the end of the month, the First 18 SE Class fleet will gather again in Portorož for the startof the Monocup 2023 sailing season.To bring crews back up to racing temperature and to help new teams learn how to trim andhelm the boat to sail fast, Porta Sailing is[…]